
The preferences window can be accessed through the toolbar or through Edit > Preferences. This is where you can change settings that control the application's behavior.


Setting Description
Screen scale The pixel scaling of WaveTracker's interface. The default is 200%.
Use high resolution text Replaces the default stylized text with a more legible font.
Oscilloscope mode Determines the look of the oscilloscope in the song panel.
Mono: Displays a single oscilloscope
Stereo-split: Displays two oscilloscopes for the left and right channels respectively
Stereo-overlap: Displays a single oscilloscope with the left and right channels overlapped on each other, highlighting the difference between them
Meter decay rate Determines how responsive the volume meters in the song panel are. Fast is bouncier but not very consistent; slow is more consistent but less responsive.
Meter color mode Determines the look of the volume meters in the song panel. Flat is one shade of green; Gradient gradually turns toward red at louder volumes.
Flash meter red when clipping If this option is enabled, the volume meters will turn red whenever the signal is above 0db.


Setting Description
Default module info
Default ticks per row The default speed for any new module.
Default rows per frame The default frame length for any new module.
Default number of channels The default channel count for any new module.
Default author name The default author name for any new module.
Default row highlight primary The default primary row highlight for any new module.
Default row highlight secondary The default secondary row highlight for any new module.

Pattern Editor

Setting Description
Pattern editor
Show row numbers in hex Display row numbers in hexadecimal instead of decimal
Show note off/release as text Display note off and release events as OFF and REL
Fade volume column Fades the numbers in the volume column according to their value
Show previous/next frames Displays the next and previous frames as greyed out in the pattern editor
Ignore step when moving Ignore the step value in edit settings when moving the cursor. Only use it when inputting values
Step after numeric input Defines cursor movement behavior when inputting numbers.
Always: Cursor always steps. This behaves like FastTracker or Famitracker
At the end of a cell: Both digits of a column have to be typed before the cursor steps down. This behaves like ImpulseTracker
After cell, including effect: Same as the above except effects are treated as a single 3 digit column.
Never: The cursor never steps down automatically. Must click into new cells manually. This behaves like ModplugTracker.
Wrap cursor horizontally Moving the cursor past the first or last channel will wrap around to the other side
Key repeat Enable key repetition when inputting notes and values
Page jump amount How many rows the cursor jumps when scrolling
Restore channel state on playback Reconstruct the current channel's state from previous frames upon playing


Setting Description
Sample import settings
Automatically normalize samples on import Automatically makes each new sample have the same volume
Automatically trim sample silence on import Automatically trim any silence before and after a sample when importing
Automatically preview samples in browser Plays audio files upon clicking on them in the sample browser
Include samples in visualizer by default New samples will have 'Include in visualizer' checked off automatically
Default base key The default base key value of any new sample
Default wave resample mode The default resampling algorithm that waves in new modules will have
Default sample resample mode The default resampling algorithm that new samples will have


Setting Description
Input device The MIDI device to receive inputs from, connect a MIDI device and select it here to begin using MIDI input.
MIDI transpose The number of semitones to transpose incoming midi notes
Apply octave transpose Transpose incoming midi messages by the current octave in Edit Settings
MIDI messages
Record note velocity If this is enabled, the velocity of a note press in edit mode will be recorded in the volume column
Use program change to select instrument If this is enabled, a midi controller with program change functionality can be used to select instruments
Receive play/stop messages If this is enabled, a midi controller with PLAY/STOP buttons will control tracker playback


Setting Description
Output device The audio output device to use. Select "(default)" to use the system's audio device.
Volume The output master volume
Sample rate The output sample rate of WaveTracker
Oversampling Higher values will reduce high frequency aliasing artefacts, at the expense of higher CPU usage. Turn this down if audio is stuttering
Desired latency The desired latency of audio output. This is only a request. Lower latencies will be more responsive but run the risk of audio pops and higher CPU usage. Raise this to a higher value if you hear audio stutters or glitches.


Setting Description
Note speed How fast notes scroll by in the piano roll; lower values are slower
Change note width by volume If this is enabled, notes get thinner as they get softer
Change note opacity by volume If this is enabled, notes fade out as they get softer
Highlight pressed keys If this is enabled, currently playing notes will be highlighted on the keyboard itself
Wave zoom Determines how far zoomed in the waves in the oscilloscope are
Colorful waves If this is enabled, each oscilloscope window will use the same color as their notes in the piano roll
Wave thickness Determines the thickness in pixels of each oscilloscope's wave
Crosshairs Determines how crosshairs should be drawn in the center of each oscilloscope
Oscilloscope borders Draws white borders around each oscilloscope
Draw in maximum resolution Draws the visualizer directly to the back buffer for higher resolution, ignoring the UI pixel scaling.