Module Panel

The module panel is located in the top right of the main screen.

The module panel

This panel contains information about the current file -- the module's title, author, and a dropdown containing all the songs within the module.

On the right of the panel are two number boxes for the speed and frame length.

Below the module title, author and currently selected song are a set of squares, these will light up green when each channel plays. Below this are volume meters for the overall stereo output. In the bottom right corner is an oscilloscope, which shows what the sound output of the program looks like.

The volume meters and oscilloscope have a few different modes that can be changed in preferences.

Module Settings

Clicking the pencil icon in the top right corner opens the Module Settings window. This is where you can add/remove songs, change the number of channels, and change the tick speed.

The module settings window


The songs list is where you can rename, add and move songs within the module. The maximum number of songs per module is 32.
