Keyboard Shortcuts

These are all the keyboard shortcuts available in WaveTracker, most can be rebound in Preferences


Key Action
] Increase Octave
[ Decrease Octave
Enter Play/Stop
F5 Play from beginning
Alt+Enter Play from cursor
Ctrl+Enter Play row
F8 Stop
Space Toggle edit mode
Ctrl+Down Next instrument
Ctrl+Up Previous instrument
Scroll lock Follow mode
Alt+P Module settings
Ctrl+W Edit wave
Ctrl+I Edit instrument
Alt+V Toggle visualizer
Alt+F9 Toggle channel
Alt+F10 Solo channel
F12 Reset audio


Key Action
Ctrl+Left Previous frame
Ctrl+Right Next frame
Ctrl+D Duplicate frame


Key Action
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+M Paste and mix
Backspace Delete the row above
Insert Insert empty row
Delete Delete cell
Ctrl+A Select all
Escape Deselect


Key Action
Ctrl+G Interpolate
Ctrl+R Reverse
Alt+S Replace instrument
Alt+H Humanize volumes
Ctrl+F1 Transpose: note down
Ctrl+F2 Transpose: note up
Ctrl+F3 Transpose: octave down
Ctrl+F4 Transpose: octave up
Shift+F1 Decrease values
Shift+F2 Increase values
Shift+F3 Coarse decrease values
Shift+F4 Coarse increase values
Home Jump to top of frame
End Jump to bottom of frame