Effect List

Effects are the fourth column of each channel, used to modify notes currently played.

Each effect is followed by a parameter, "xx", from 00-99, which controls the intensity of the effect.
Some effects have 2 parameters, written as "xy", these are instead in hexadecimal, from 00-FF to offer greater range for a single digit.

Below is a list of all the effects in WaveTracker

Effect Description
0xy - Arpeggio
(first note, second note)
Cycles through notes in a chord every tick, with base + x and base + y semitones. Use 000 to disable.
For example: 047 defines a major chord
1xx - Note rise
Continuously increase the pitch at speed xx. Use 100 to disable
2xx - Note fall
Continuously decrease the pitch at speed xx. Use 200 to disable
3xx - Portamento/Glide
Automatically glide between notes at speed xx. Use 300 to disable
4xy - Vibrato
(speed, depth)
Modulates pitch with speed x and depth y. Use 400 to disable
7xy - Tremolo
(speed, depth)
Modulates volume with speed x and depth y. Use 700 to disable
8xx - Pan
Sets the stereo panning of the channel with position xx.
00 is 100% left
50 is center
99 is 100% right
9xx - Stereo split
Artificially widens the channel in the stereo field by offsetting the phase of one side xx percent. Use 900 to disable.
Axx - Volume fade down
Continuously decreases the channel volume by xx steps every tick.
Wxx - Volume fade up
Continuously increases the channel volume by xx steps every tick.
Bxx - Jump to frame
(frame #)
Jumps the playhead to frame xx. Used to create song loops.
Cxx - Stop Stops the song. (xx has no effect)
Dxx - Skip
(row #)
Skips to the next frame at row xx.
Fxx - Tempo change
Overrides the initial song speed with xx ticks per row.
Gxx - Delay
Delays the channel's row by xx ticks.
Hxy - Channel Filter
(cutoff, resonance)
Applies a low pass filter on the output of the channel.
x controls the filter cutoff from 0-F, with 0 being completely open, and F being the most muted.
y controls the resonance of the filter cutoff point.
Use H00 to disable.
Ixx - Wave blend
(blend amount)
Blends the channel's wave with the next wave in the wave bank. xx controls the amount to blend in. 00 is the original wave, 99 is the next wave
Jxx - Wave stretch
(stretch amount)
Stretches the shape of the channel's wave from the edges inwards. Acts a bit like a pulse-width modulator. xx controls the amount to stretch.
Mxx - Wave FM
Frequency modulation. Modulates the channel's wave by the next wave in the wave bank.
Kxx - Wave Sync
Increases the speed of the channel's wave during the wave's cycle
Pxx - Fine pitch
Detunes the current channel. Default is P50.
Qxy - Note bend up
(speed, semitones)
Bends the current note up by y semitones at speed x.
Rxy - Note bend down
(speed, semitones)
Bends the current note down by y semitones at speed x.
Sxx - Delayed cut
Cuts the note after xx ticks have passed.
Vxx - Set wave
(wave #)
Sets the channel's timbre to wave xx in the wave bank.
Xxx - Downsample
Downsamples the channel's output by a factor of xx. Results in a lo-fi, bitcrushed sound
Yxx - Start sample offset
(offset percentage)
Makes any samples start a percentage of the way through their lifetime. xx is how far to start in.
For example: Y25 will start the sample 25% of the way in. Y50 will start the sample halfway through.
Use Y00 to disable.